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Debate at the highest level is a key reason why London International Shipping Week is such a ‘must attend’ event for the shipping industry. Ranging from the Headline Conference at the iconic IMO Headquarters, to the hundreds of events across central London, almost every issue influencing maritime business decisions is scrutinised.

An important element of the LISW25 structure is its Board of Advisors which draws on the knowledge of more than 25 leading figures from across the shipping industry. The vital role of the BoA is to identify the current external issues influencing decision making within the industry.

Following a series of meetings, the new Board has identified and agreed the key themes which will form the core of discussions during LISW25 next September. These themes will help ensure events during LISW25 are targeted towards core issues that will help the global shipping industry and the UK’s maritime sector to move forward with clarity.

Grouped under the overarching LISW25 theme of London: Managing the winds of change in global shipping, the issues identified by the Board of Advisors have been grouped under five central themes

  • Geopolitical threats
  • Technology and innovation to alleviate environmental issues
  • Managing the human element of change
  • Financial markets expectations in a time of rapid futurisation
  • London and the UK’s role in managing change

Announcing the theme areas, Denis Petropoulos, Chair of the Board of Advisors said: “Our highly respected Board of Advisors, following detailed discussion, have identified an initial set of core issues for discussion and debate during the week. The BoA recognises that this is a snapshot of the current issues and understands there will be further significant changes over the months leading up to LISW25 next September. This list will remain under constant review and will be updated on a quarterly basis, to ensure LISW25 targets the very latest and most important issues.” 

LISW25 event organisers, sponsors and supporting organisations will be sent a list of the core themes to assist them in planning their debates during LISW25, which takes place from 15 to 19 September 2025 in London. For latest information please visit the website:

  • Post category:News / Press Release
  • Reading time:3 mins read